This is NOT PERSONAL! It is not directed toward any one person, especially the posts author, but it is about showing another perspective that must, AT LEAST, be discussed in order to regain control.
In my view and from a very centered perspective the government is in the state it is not because of the government itself but in us, the people it represents. Overall, we Americans are lazy as hell and feel that someone else should carry our load. You can see this, hear this and feel this in every day news as can be seen by the “Black Lives Matter” and other like movements.
When things go awry and especially when they directly affect us we should take action ourselves to overcome but instead we, being lazy as hell, want someone else to take care of it so we can remain in our comfort zones, reading texts, building our likes and tweeting how indignant we are about the way things are.
If we were not lazy then there would be more competitive persons running for office and changing things. Remember, all those laws - most anyway - come from our lazy asses wanting someone else to jump in and provide us safety, security and protection. Lets not even get started that most laws, like for auto’s and driving, come from our lazy perceptions toward making a fast buck in going to court to sue every Tom, Dick and Corporation instead of getting an education, understanding life and our species and then creating opportunities to make a decent wage and taking care of ourselves as well as our families.
The first step to downsizing government is to downsize or lazy asses and get out there and do something instead of trying to be someone. To be a true and moral and right someone is done by doing something rather than assuming we should have the right to be someone (not provided in the bill of rights for our rights are not what we think even when we study the bill of rights and constitution, etc.)
One of the reasons the 2nd amendment is a bone of contention that has lasted since it was first written is because for every gun bearing person in the world there is a different perception, perspective and translation as to what the amendment actually means the ask yourself if you have read, “The Federalist Papers” where our founding fathers provide more on the constitution and its amendments, etc.?
Truthfully, when we got more lazy due to our nature and the resulting larger government controlling laws, etc., we felt safer and more secure so what the hey, lets get them to do more of our work so we can have fun, seek out instant gratifications and be taken care of so we don’t have to learn, earn and become self-sufficient, the government will do it for us - Yipee!
It is only now that some are saying, “What the F&^%!” We are just now, maybe, becoming aware of what we have done to ourselves because in lieu of leadership that actually leads we have money grubbing power hungry predators in office and seeking office and controlling everything - BUT WAIT - Is it actually the politicians or is it someone or something else. After all, it wasn’t truly the government that cause the not too long past financial bust that really busted our savings, property and retirement systems - wait for it - IT WAS PREDATORY ACTIONS BE NEFARIOUS BANKS, CORPORATIONS AND MONEY-LENDERS, ETC., that caused all the problems then when the government was asked to step in who do you think influenced how that was done?
Don’t get me wrong, something needs to be done and this article is awesome in putting at least his spotlight on some of the issues but, and a very BIG BUTT, it takes more and with the entrenched government of predatory politicians, imbedded by our very actions and emotional needs rather than things to support our own efforts instead, that may be actually impossible unless something very, very drastic happens and if that does happen we are all in a well of shit.
So, to take back government we have to start getting off our butts, stop the twittering, ignore the likes and start collectively creating groups that will stand up and be counted! Not others, but ourselves! We have spent way too much time assuming it is someone else’s problem - like saying it is the government - and take personal responsibility.
We spend way too much time following the herd and the herd is often the loudest and most obnoxious group leading the rest. Stop following the damn cows and bulls, take control of your self and your life, get involved and take it all back. It may take a few generations because it took several of them to get here but YOU can do it, right?
It would be wonderful to bring government and our lives back under our control, but it is going to take something special and unique. Do I believe we have that? Yep, but it needs to be more of us so the herd follows us not us following the herd. If that makes sense.
First: Take back control from the corporations.
Second: Take back control from the Banks, money is everything.
Third: Take back control of our lives by lessening the ability of government to take away our liberties - they can take only what we give them.
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