Demolocke's Caveat

Caveat: Please make note that this article/post is my personal analysis of the subject and the information used was chosen or picked by me. It is not an analysis piece because it lacks complete and comprehensive research, it was not adequately and completely investigated and it is not balanced, i.e., it is my personal view without the views of others including subject experts, etc. Look at this as “Infotainment rather then expert research.” This is an opinion/editorial article/post meant to persuade the reader to think, decide and accept or reject my premise. It is an attempt to cause change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs and values as they apply in life. It is merely a commentary on the subject in the particular article presented.

This article is mine and mine alone. I the author of this article assure you, the reader, that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my meandering mind interprets a particular situation and/or concept. The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of other professionals or authors of source materials. It should be quite obvious that the sources I used herein have not approved, endorsed, embraced, friended, liked, tweeted or authorized this article. (Everything I think and write is true, within the limits of my knowledge and understanding. Oh, and just because I wrote it and just because it sounds reasonable and just because it makes sense, does not mean it is true.)

Finally, it is incumbent that the reader take any information they feel is relevant and useful and perform an in-depth analysis of it to work out its value to the reader. It is also stressed that the reader also present the information to qualified professionals/experts so that his or her expertise and experience can also analyze the information to validate and then synthesize said information into their ideas, theories or facts/information either as is or as synthesized into something new and creative.

Oh, it is pronounced "Dem-Locke."

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Zombie Apocalypse

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

The apocalypse is upon us and it is one devious creature because it is undetectable and does not require one's actual death with all the proverbial rotting, etc., seen in the movies for it is sneakier, silent in its infection and most deadly in its final stages.

We tend to automatically go to thought of zombie’s frankenstein walking around in a daze like manner waiting to encounter some living being so they can eat their flesh but in the actual “Real” zombie apocalypse we with great motivation and glee run into the very dangers we should fear resulting in our zombie frankenstein-like walking, i.e., we walk in a zombie state with our eyes and minds focused on a tiny screen while our ears are distracted from the sounds provided through “Buds” stuck in our ears with narry a concern or worry on our faces unless the battery to our device suddenly dies - oh my, I have to focus on finding a electrical outlet to charge up.

Modern Tech-Zombie Traits are, “Distractions; overloading on technology, i.e., information, social media, twitter, etc,; being rushed; being preoccupied being distracted, etc.” For instance, when we are rushed (like the quantity of information being perceived like facing a tsunami wave, etc), we no longer have any time at all to take into account all the factors at play necessary to make decisions so we end up using our five compliance triggers influenced by that same deluge of information to make decisions. This leads to our zombie like actions much like the media entertainment industries zombie’s. 

We tend to block out all extraneous stimuli that hits our sensory systems, i.e., sights, sounds, tactile skin input and such, so that we no longer have sufficient time to analyze all points of communications, i.e., why we lean toward our emotionally driven responses,  so that we end up responding to the rapid-fire messages inundating every facet of our lives and we embrace it because it relieves us of the burden of thinking for ourselves - zombie frankenstein …

It’s becoming a mindless programming of our brains that will result in a total and complete loss of our freedom to think, analyze, decide and synthesize life. We mindless follow the both beneficial and more predatory influences of those compliance professionals that imbed their messages into the very data flow that overwhelms or human sensory systems and brains. 

I quote, “The sheer amount of information today is overwhelming - its complexity is befuddling, its relentlessness depleting, its range distracting, and its prospects agitations (and we feel it but have no idea why we feel it). Couple those culprits with the concentration-disrupting alerts of devices nearly everyone carries to deliver that input, and careful assessment’s role is a ready decision-making corrective becomes sorely and dangerously diminished.”

Here is another quote example related to current events, i.e., “We are unable to respond mindfully to news clips of a politician’s speech, instead, we are left to a focus on those implanted secondary features of the presentations, such as the attractiveness of the speech giver or his or her charisma.” 

All this simply overwhelms us to the point we automatically trigger social conditioned tapes that take over the responsibilities of making informed analytical steps to discover and synthesize our own individual thoughts so that we made decisions for ourselves, by ourselves and with our in-depth analysis but instead we allow, for convenience and comfort and gratifications, those compliance professionals to create external influences that trigger tapes so we just act accordingly, like the zombie frankenstein-walking mindless shuffling along that can be seen when we plug in the ear buds, focus our attention of the virus-line instructions that pump us full of stuff so we cannot mindfully act as humans should. We give up our freedoms to think and decide for ourselves and become Zombie’s. It is truly the tech-driven virus like zombie apocalypse!

Let me end this article with this last quote, “If we don’t have the wherewithal (time, capacity (zombie infection), will (zombie infection)) to think hard about a choice, we are unlikely to deliberate deeply. When any of these requirements isn’t met, we typically resort to instinctual social conditioned triggers of decision-making shortcuts.” 

It should be noted that in many situations of our lives these shortcuts allow us to choose rapidly and effectively, But in many other situations (created and consuming our lives through compliance predatory actions in the data we are inundated with), they can send us to places we didn’t want to go - at least not if we had thought about it first.

Note: Emotional triggers such as person of likable nature, enthusiastic groups, reciprocal influences of social conditions, the authority principles, and the human need for consistency, etc. All beneficial in the proper use but also predatory in nature by use of compliance professionals of questionable character. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Childish Things

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

I am ashamed, ashamed that folks are so immature and lack any kind of real coping skills that would allow for honorable and decent protests to the current Presidential Election Candidates. We seem to have lost any semblance of emotional maturity in our country. The most recent emotional childish act was the one where folks tried to “Deface” the star on the walk of fame for one of the candidates, shame on you; shame on you and shame on you!

Don’t any of you have any type of control and socially responsible ways to express your discord, discontent and emotional feelings on the subject and the person? Have we fallen so far down the toilet of humility, honor and respect regardless of race, creed, color, religion and cultural beliefs we, like so many little children fighting in the school yard playground, have taken to using such immature and irresponsible behavior to - “GET OUR WAY?”

Come on folks, grow up, use the brain God gave you and find a reasonable, legal, honorable and humility driven method to express yourself and make change! (Personally, I don’t like the candidate, I don’t like either of them and yet thanks to our nature and our system as it is today where do we go?) 

Maybe, as the time nears, we should create a movement that takes another great candidate not currently listed by either party and get that movement to put that person in the presidents chair! Now that, could work much like the media social system drive used to get our last president elected!)

Isn’t it time we gave us such “Childish Things?”

Re-up Bonuses

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It makes me angry, the institution of bean counters and careerists ignoring the extreme wrong of making the Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airman who serve our country pay a huge, deeply moral busting, price for THEIR MISTAKE is just - WRONG!

You guys screwed up, you paid that bonus to all those soldiers, THEY KEPT THEIR PART OF THE CONTRACT, and you should just eat the costs and call it a LESSON LEARNED. You implemented the program and it was FLAWED, it would not have happened if you did what the military is supposed to do as professionals; planned, planned, and planned until it was right THEN and ONLY THEN implement the plan. 

So, when I read how the Secretary of Defense was suspending all actions toward collection I said, Yea! Then I read the article and found his response a “MISDIRECTION” to take the issue out of peoples minds so LATER they could go back to collecting the money from the soldiers, etc.

He said, according to the article, “Carter said he's ordering the Pentagon's Defense Finance and Accounting Service to "suspend all efforts to collect reimbursement from affected California National Guard members" until he's satisfied that the process has become more efficient and fair.”

BULLSHIT SIR, make those who created and implemented the flawed plan take the proper responsibility for their mistake, don’t take it out on the soldiers! They screwed the pooch, so let them eat it and you sir should eat it as well as a part of your budget. Call it a mistake and let the costs be absorbed in the Departments overall budget. Your misdirection of “until he's satisfied that the process has become more efficient and fair,” tells me that you still want to lay the responsibility for leaderships mistakes on those who requested and were granted the bonuses, it was your flawed plan that got things wrong, not the soldiers. 

Your statement should have been, “I want to thank those soldiers who, without malice and aforethought, rightly took the bonuses, reenlisted and served and I want to personally tell you all that because we, the leadership, made this mistake will absorb the lost costs in our budget. Your service, dedication and honor should not be besmirched so we can lay off blame on you when it is my responsibility as Secretary to make things right, morally and honor bound right!”

You also said, "Ultimately, we will provide for a process that puts as little burden as possible on any soldier who received an improper payment through no fault of his or her own," Carter said. "At the same time, it will respect our important obligation to the taxpayer." Your responsibility to us, the taxpayer, is to own up to YOUR mistake. To put as little burden as possible on any soldier would be better served by saying, “We shall not put this burden on the soldier, we will take responsibility for our mistake as our obligation to the taxpayer.” 

Get some guts, gets some intestinal fortitude and own up to your mistake and leaderships mistake in implementing and processing the program! Shame on you for letting this go on for so long, you did that because the outcry became to loud so now you act, shame on you!

(Note: Keep this kind of stuff up and one day you will find NO MILITARY to defend our way of life; PPPPPP - piss poor planning promotes poor performance)

Airport Security

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link) (Note: I have great respect for those who enforce and do the job of airport security for it is difficult and stressful and necessary. I also know that many aspects of the job are spot on for that type of security and hold that in high regard but as to the less than appropriate security measures that are more misdirection than realistic - not so much.)

Recently I had family come visit us out here in earthquake land and it reminded me of the Airport Security. Apparently, the security has let-up a might on certain things that in the beginning were way over the top, in my opinion, because someone somewhere thought that the inconveniences and intrusiveness of it gave everyone a sense of security and safety. Poppy-Cosh!

How can I say this, well:
  1. I am a retired physical security specialist who held management responsibility for a very large organization for a very large security facility long, long ago in a far, far away place now pretty much out of service.
  2. I am a retired communications security management professional where I was help responsible for managing, controlling and securing a variety of high security materials.
  3. I am a former special <guess the word if you can that goes here> mechanic/specialist. Part of that responsibility involved physical security processes and measures as well.
  4. I am a former radiation control technician where those responsibilities also involved security of a different kind. 
  5. I am and always will be a self-defense karate/martial arts professional who teaches about personal security.
  6. I have a bachelor’s degree in security, security management and Security Technology that involves all sorts of personal, professional and even body guard/security responsibilities, etc. 
  7. I have experience in IT security as well.
So, even tho this is a partial list and although my current responsibilities don’t entail in-depth security I am still keeping my hands in the cooking when I work, write and practice-train-apply those skills in tandem with my other skills. Oh, and as an aside, I was a member of one of the largest and most prestigious security entities in the world, the United States Marine Corps. So, I do have some expertise I bring to the table when I make comments as follows.

A good way to find out the illusions we bring to airport security you may do a bit of research work and find out how they handle that at a couple of the leading countries in this discipline such as Israel. When you make a comparison you might find a lot of what they make you go through at the airport to be more of a compliance type of effort that also triggers that deep down drive and need for survival, i.e., giving the ignorant a feeling that someone is doing something and it makes us “FEEL” more secure and safe yet …

Here is a “Non-Sequitur” that kind of gives us an idea of the truth of it for to make such a short-terse effort laughable it must be based somewhat on reality and truth. There is nothing more humorous than laughing at things that are kinda real. 

Click for lager, readable, view.
In the airport security systems favor those who enforce security do a bang up job and it is not their fault if some of the processes and requirements are pretty much fluff. As a society one of the things we fall prey to is that if there is a lot of stuff being done, like the quantity of security requirements, then it must mean things will be “Secure,” right? Not necessarily so because tests from my previous life indicated quickly what was window dressing and what would work. It was lucky that the particular industry involved actually did reality based training on that type of security and when you bring that down to normal security dependent on the loss quotient of damage vs. costs, etc., you find an appropriate level of security for that discipline, etc.

Please, note that such misdirections when used in a security venue where life and death along with grave bodily harm are involved it is not smart depending on such magic for it will fail - sooner than later. 

Another aspect as to why it works, the dangers are not as prominent or frequent so that some security professionals can lay out the magic to make everyone, including our countries leadership, FEEL safe and secure. Feelings are those things that cannot be put into a wheelbarrow (Thanks MM for the analogy) but we find real security measures “UNCOMFORTABLE and INCONVENIENT” and we can’t have that. We MUST have SECURITY but without the inconvenience and without taking away our comfort and personal gratifications of our FEELINGS.

Don’t get me wrong, there is a lot about our airport security that is good and does the job for what that job is but if we are every fully exposed to the reality of the dangers that the peoples of Israel, and others of similar nature, are exposed to on a daily basis then we will find that many great changes will have to be made and implemented that will be uncomfortable and very inconvenient, that is just the way it is.

The old saying you have to break a few eggs to bake a cake (for those of you old enough to know about baking from scratch, not out of a box, this analogy will make more sense) is true and to have security and safety it costs but as we are all aware when it comes to the bottom line costs outweigh security and safety - of us, the people, the little guys and gals. 

(Note: Please remember that many of the so-called security measures one might find irritating, irrelevant and more a misdirection to make us feel safe and secure HAVE been slowly removed or discarded over time. Not all yet but it is apparent the effort is there and that the system is learning - A VERY GOOD THING!)

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Great post … But …

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

This is NOT PERSONAL! It is not directed toward any one person, especially the posts author, but it is about showing another perspective that must, AT LEAST, be discussed in order to regain control. 

In my view and from a very centered perspective the government is in the state it is not because of the government itself but in us, the people it represents. Overall, we Americans are lazy as hell and feel that someone else should carry our load. You can see this, hear this and feel this in every day news as can be seen by the “Black Lives Matter” and other like movements.

When things go awry and especially when they directly affect us we should take action ourselves to overcome but instead we, being lazy as hell, want someone else to take care of it so we can remain in our comfort zones, reading texts, building our likes and tweeting how indignant we are about the way things are. 

If we were not lazy then there would be more competitive persons running for office and changing things. Remember, all those laws - most anyway - come from our lazy asses wanting someone else to jump in and provide us safety, security and protection. Lets not even get started that most laws, like for auto’s and driving, come from our lazy perceptions toward making a fast buck in going to court to sue every Tom, Dick and Corporation instead of getting an education, understanding life and our species and then creating opportunities to make a decent wage and taking care of ourselves as well as our families. 

The first step to downsizing government is to downsize or lazy asses and get out there and do something instead of trying to be someone. To be a true and moral and right someone is done by doing something rather than assuming we should have the right to be someone (not provided in the bill of rights for our rights are not what we think even when we study the bill of rights and constitution, etc.)

One of the reasons the 2nd amendment is a bone of contention that has lasted since it was first written is because for every gun bearing person in the world there is a different perception, perspective and translation as to what the amendment actually means the ask yourself if you have read, “The Federalist Papers” where our founding fathers provide more on the constitution and its amendments, etc.? 

Truthfully, when we got more lazy due to our nature and the resulting larger government controlling laws, etc., we felt safer and more secure so what the hey, lets get them to do more of our work so we can have fun, seek out instant gratifications and be taken care of so we don’t have to learn, earn and become self-sufficient, the government will do it for us - Yipee!

It is only now that some are saying, “What the F&^%!” We are just now, maybe, becoming aware of what we have done to ourselves because in lieu of leadership that actually leads we have money grubbing power hungry predators in office and seeking office and controlling everything - BUT WAIT - Is it actually the politicians or is it someone or something else. After all, it wasn’t truly the government that cause the not too long past financial bust that really busted our savings, property and retirement systems - wait for it - IT WAS PREDATORY ACTIONS BE NEFARIOUS BANKS, CORPORATIONS AND MONEY-LENDERS, ETC., that caused all the problems then when the government was asked to step in who do you think influenced how that was done?

Don’t get me wrong, something needs to be done and this article is awesome in putting at least his spotlight on some of the issues but, and a very BIG BUTT, it takes more and with the entrenched government of predatory politicians, imbedded by our very actions and emotional needs rather than things to support our own efforts instead, that may be actually impossible unless something very, very drastic happens and if that does happen we are all in a well of shit. 

So, to take back government we have to start getting off our butts, stop the twittering, ignore the likes and start collectively creating groups that will stand up and be counted! Not others, but ourselves! We have spent way too much time assuming it is someone else’s problem - like saying it is the government - and take personal responsibility. 

We spend way too much time following the herd and the herd is often the loudest and most obnoxious group leading the rest. Stop following the damn cows and bulls, take control of your self and your life, get involved and take it all back. It may take a few generations because it took several of them to get here but YOU can do it, right? 

It would be wonderful to bring government and our lives back under our control, but it is going to take something special and unique. Do I believe we have that? Yep, but it needs to be more of us so the herd follows us not us following the herd. If that makes sense. 

First: Take back control from the corporations.
Second: Take back control from the Banks, money is everything.
Third: Take back control of our lives by lessening the ability of government to take away our liberties - they can take only what we give them. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Emotional IMmaturity

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

We humans are driven by emotions. We can lay claim to our human, logical, side but in truth it is a misdirection because even then it is about emotions that are overplayed with a perception of logic.

Emotions drive everything and it is the level of intensity that dictates. When we are in our proverbial logic driven human mind we have merely suppressed our emotions to a manageable level that allows logic to appear as dominant yet, like the deep mind, it still drives us.

Herein lies where we have emotional maturity. WM allows us to tilt the scales toward what we perceive as logic, maturity and understanding that allows us to survive. 

EIM is emotional immaturity that I attribute to our monkey brain where emotions that are illogical, unfair and the mainstay of the "othering" of ... others. 

In our leaders we expect a certain amount of control, discipline and MATURITY. Especially maturity because we need that trait most for our very survival. When dealing with other humans of such diversity derived from modern social structures and the cultures, beliefs and needs we can only connect with a maturity from a low level of emotional maturity.

EIM, is where conflict, war and violence live that creates such a volatile and dangerous environment that assures a total lack of continuity, complete chaos and a high threat to tribal survivability.

We, our current state of affairs, demonstrates that we are trapped at an increasingly growing level of EIM. We, our society, have lost our respect for ourselves and by our very actions have lost all respect from our neighboring nations. 

This creates, for me, a conundrum in that I can’t in all good conscious vote for either candidate on the ballot. I find it shameful that both, and the parties as well, have resorted to the school yard verbal argument of emotional immature children running solely on emotions not yet conditioned to work in a grown up social environment we call modern society. Where both are facing one another shouting louder and louder how their dad is stronger, their dad is tougher and their perspective dads’ can whup add on the others dad! The real shame is that most of the social order are following the herd by engaging in such shenanigans and school yard immaturity. 

I don’t really care what they do on their own time and in private or even semi-private because I have learned over time that the most capable of people who lead, actually lead, can sometimes have traits that are not so leader oriented. Only a very, very few can lay claim to having no perceived faults, very few. 

The shame is that we as a society are caught up in the mind-state often referred to as, Compliance Professional trappings of a negative nature. This is called, Social Approval, we tend to follow the few in the herd, those few who tend to dominate the arena with their rhetoric of loud immaturity, thereby by association as a collective trigger their own subconscious tapes, click-whirr, and just follow the crowd. The bad thing is, that puts an emotionally immature person in a leader ship role. We need better. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Rental Time Limits

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Ever wonder the purpose of imposing a twenty-four hour time limit on renting movies - streaming - found on Internet movie sites like Amazon Prime and Apple TV?

When I consider that it is simply a stored data stream on the cloud and the exorbitant fee to watch it I just can't get why a time limit.

What is lost or gained by insisting that once a customer starts to watch the movie they MUST finish it in twenty-fours?

After all, it is not like a DVD, a solid piece of plastic, to be shared so s longer time influences someone else's right to rent and watch the same title, right?

Is it about data because we pay the cable connection for the data as well as the band width, right?

Friday, October 7, 2016

Evidence - Video and Personal

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Personal evidence is what we all perceive as witness evidence while video evidence is what ever filmed/recorded evidence presented. This regards viewing both video and/or witness because it falls under the principle of, “What is focal is PRESUMED causal.” In short, what is perceived by the witness or whomever views video effects what is perceived.

This doesn’t even take into consideration things like angles, sound, certain effects dependent on direction, angles and other such filming and perceptive principles. For instance, one professional tells people that when viewing a piece of video evidence to first watch it several times with no sound. Then he tells them they must find out if editing of any kind occurred. A bit like chain of evidence processes to keep the integrity of what is presented or given as close to reality as possible. We shall see that this reality is not always as accurate or real dependent on focal-to-causal effects and influences.

For instance, what the witness sees such as facial views, i.e., they see the face of one participant while they cannot see the face of the other such as if they were standing behind one subject and viewing the second subject over the shoulder of the first. This also changes as to perspective and perceptions when you view two subjects from the side, i.e., when you can perceive identical information of both subjects.

Now, add this same process of perspective to perception and interpretations when filming from behind one subject with the other in direct line but facing the camera or when the camera films the two facing one another from the side. Dependent on that perspective you will hear and feel, etc., different tones and content, etc., due to that direction and how it effects your perceptions to information - it changes your perceptions while actually remaining the same as to reality. For instance, if you are viewing over one’s shoulder the fact you can see the one subjects facts you will naturally and instinctively judge that information as MORE CAUSAL. 

“The tendency of humans to presume that what is focal is causal holds say too deeply, to automatically, and over to many types of human JUDGEMENT.” - Robert Cialdini, Pre-Suasion

If you, like many cell phone witnesses, were to record that situation with the two subjects from different camera angles, you would ensure that everything about that situation itself would be identical every time it is showed - FROM THAT ANGLE. This is why disparity always rises up when more than one video is submitted as possible evidence because it comes from different people who shot the video from different angles at different times with different time spans that add, subtract and change perceptions and perspectives as well as resulting judgements of those who view it. All this effects the person who is a witness. 

Yes, one person standing at this angle didn’t see a gun and yet another person who stood at a totally different angle did see a gun. Both are correct and accurate but angles and perceptions along with how they are affected by the personal biased beliefs of the videographer and witness effect that informations outcome. 

When you add in such human distinctions and perceptions along with beliefs and agenda’s, when you add in sounds and editing that often occur to meet the beliefs and perceptions of the person publishing whether as evidence or just social media attention gratification purposes, it means that it is not exactly foolproof. 

As Dr. Cialdini, and his studies along with research indicated, states, “Certain kinds of videotaped interactions are used frequently to help determine the guilt or innocence of suspects in major crimes” that this set of principles and effects become critically important. So many misunderstandings come from the emotionally driven reactions of perceived supposed reality that it drives how we act and in criminal situations lead to convictions, both socially in criminal systems, that can be found unjust. 

This is why the education and understanding of society is critical so we rein in our emotional reactive processes and stop to consider that video’s are not set in stone recordings of reality, they are just one perceptive view of a possible reality. It is best to collect a “preponderance of evidence” before judging!

Let me end this brief and terse article with one more example, i.e., interrogations - interrogations of suspects leading to false confessions that has come to light led to, “All interrogations involving major crimes to be videotaped.” Here is the conundrum, because we still assume a film/video is reality and truth, in practice, the point of view of the video camera is almost always behind the interrogator and onto the fact of the suspect. When the camera angle is arranged to record the fact of one discussant over the shoulder of another biases that critical judgement is toward the more visually salient of the two. 

“Such an camera angle being aimed at a suspect, lets not forget that the label suspect also influences the viewers to presupposed guilt, gives greater responsibility for a confession ( and greater guilt) to said suspect. This influence and presupposition comes regardless of whether the observers are men or women, college students or jury-eligible adults in their forties or fifties, exposed to the video recording once or twice, intellectually deep or shallow, and with previous information provided about the potential bias of video evidence due to the impact of camera angles, etc., this pattern the same regardless of being ordinary folks in the jury pool, to the legal professionals, or to the judges trying such cases.”

As you can see, just because a witness says so, regardless of their credentials and just because it is on film does not negate the possibility of false witness and confessions. But a bird in hand is far faster, better and easier to gain a confession then the extra effort and work to continue an investigation to find the real culprit especially as more time passing makes that more and more difficult. The pressures of management to get it finishes along with pressures to close and convict for a variety of reasons beyond mere guilt or innocence makes this even worse. 

It warrants all of us to take a breath, rein in our emotionally monkey brains and take a moment to allow all evidence to be gathered, analyzed and collated into real evidence before we judge anyone or anything. What if one day, out of the blue, you find yourself on the receiving end of such events and situations, wouldn’t you want a chance?

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Statement

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Here is what I assume is a quote about Veterans and handling combat, i.e., often associated with PTSD, "When people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you're strong and you can handle it," Trump said to a veterans' group in Northern Virginia, "but a lot of people can't handle it."

I cannot help but believe there is this agenda associated with the apparent outrage some are voicing in regard to this statement but if I remove the name, “Trump,” and let the statement stand alone I don’t see it as a derogatory statement to the honor and duty of combat veterans. Here is the quote stand alone, When people come back from war and combat, they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you're strong and you can handle it," to a veterans' group "but a lot of people can't handle it."

A lot of people, most of our society, cannot handle such combat exposure of such intensity and emotional and psychological effects of after, the repercussions of serving in combat. I served for ten years as a Marine and although not a combat vet I understand that humans deal with extreme stress differently and in the end no matter their status, i.e., vet or not a vet, when encountering such stress conditions some will handle it, some will be able to handle it with help and some will not be able to handle it. 

None can possibly know when entering into such environments and situations how they will handle it during the event and especially after the event ends. None can possibly know the effects of such stresses on the body, mind and spirit for each individual is unique and distinct from other individuals. Even some of my combat veteran friends have spoken of the difficulties from combat experiences. One such combat vet as he entered his middle winter years of life once spoke of a difficulty in understanding his combat experience that apparently causing him great stress but with help he found his role and responsibilities were honorable and was able to handle it well while not losing it since it was a part of him and who is is. 

I can’t help but feel that when such rhetoric of venomous nature is expressed with an emotionally driven anger that some other agenda is underneath and in this instance, due to fear, it is about disparaging an individual so they are unable to take a position of responsibility. That position putting that person of unknown quantities that threaten the individuals very beliefs and status in a state of disfavor so they don’t get elected. 

These statements (about the persons statement above) as stand alone of disparaging meaning is just another way to foster a stoic manly social condition onto persons of integrity and service so they don’t get the help needed. The statement above merely states that our vets are hurting and in need, let them ask without stigmatism, without being set apart from other veterans who are handling things better and not other them so they feel they are not in the brotherhood and let them find help; help from their fellow vets; help from those who lead; help from our society; help from family and friends and finally help from those who specialize in treating such difficulties of combat experience. 

Lets everyone stop being “Assholes” and let the health and quality of life for combat veterans, all veterans, improve from our empathy and understanding rather than some self-serving agenda driven drivel. 

The Military Hierarchy

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Ever wonder what makes a military organization so effective? Ever wonder why it has persisted over human history with little to no change? There are reasons why it works to well and there are aspects of it that can teach us about human nature, our very existence and survival depend on this knowledge. 

In a terse nutshell, the Marine Corps is broken down to, “Headquarters to Regiments to Battalions to Companies to Platoons to Squads to Fire-teams and so on. There is a theme in how the military breaks down so it can operate efficiently and effectively. Now, the breakdown I present is simplistic and there are more complexities involved but as to a basic hierarch this is how it works. 

It comes down to a four-man fire team, the fire team of infantry called, “Marine Grunts,” is the backbone of the fighting machine called the Marine’s. It is why every Marine regardless of MOS or Military Occupational Specialty where an individual Marine may be a administrative person, a truck driver or an aircraft mechanic, in the end they all are infantry and all carry weapons and all are expected in a clinch to pick up that weapon and work as an infantryman, a grunt, and fight, fight, fight. 

Take a look at a few org charts on how the Marine’s are organized. The reason I perceive is this, in order to work in a singular cohesive manner to accomplish the mission through tactics and strategies the Marine Corps must be organized in a way that triggers and uses human instincts of survival therefore the org breaks down a very large number of Marines into smaller tribe like settings starting at the bottom with the fireteam that consists of four grunts. One is a team leader and the other three are his Marines who all know each others jobs and responsibilities while focusing on one aspect that together makes a team that functions effectively to accomplish what ever mission is assigned.

That fireteam works as a team, the individuals work as individuals but with a common team set of goals driven by the teams leadership assigned goals, the missions, and all work as a tribe where their goal, in essence, is to survive using those teachings, training and experiences of a Marine fire team. It is that instinct of survival that binds them into a brotherhood of Marines and that survival instinct along with training and understanding is why Marines have a goal of the enemy must die for their cause so we can survive and fight and win and achieve our cause, our goals and our missions. It does not and cannot work any other way and when those ties, the brotherhood, and hierarchy are not correct then those Marines from the individual to the fire team to the squad to the platoon to the company and so forth all die for their cause - ain’t gonna happen in the Corps dude!

Now, in a less critical tribe our very society, especially since consists of very large numbers of our species, can only survive if they are also made up of such a hierarchal model must be such that it allows for the family unit, the social neighborhood unit, the community of township to city unit and all with distinct socially driven cultural beleif systems adding in a larger consistent belief system that encompasses all the mentioned hierarchy must exist in order for that society to survive.

Human species by their very nature, as encoded in our DNA, cannot be cohesive and connected if the numbers of the tribe exceeds a certain level of members. Survival of the fittest creates conflict and associated violence both communications oriented and defensive oriented where one is to control the tribe and the other is to protect that tribe against “Other” tribes vying for the same resources of survival and security, etc. 

When humans exceed those tribal member limits they expand and create other tribes that are competitors for resources. As long as resources abound they can live in peace with relative harmony. If the humans exceed that number without those ties that bind the individual tribe then things get bad. They escalate until a point of boiling is reached then a breakdown begins. In  our history that often leads to conflicts and violence of a nature less communications and more about removing competition from “Others.” 

In the larger social entity groups of like beliefs system individuals gather to make the smaller, stronger and more cohesive bound tribes. Once set, the stop others from joining, become exclusive and then act accordingly where in essence their survival trumps all others needs and desires - conflict occurs and other violent methods outside the tribes communications needs roar like a fire with fuel dumped in causing the flames to roar higher and hotter until the fire spreads and consumes all that does not adhere to that tribes social cultural belief rules, etc. 

Herein lies the bane of our current modern society where the current beliefs refuse to accept that things that are the very essence of humans and their existence, their survival, triggers those emotionally driven monkey dancing antics of our very needs in survival but with a bad effect due to our sticking our proverbial heads in the sand trying to force evolution to remove the very conflict and violence that is our nature out of us so we don’t feel “Bad or scared or fearful.” 

The dichotomy of these two states in and of itself creates an environment of those very traits we want to evolve from too fast, conflict and resulting violence when others refuse to let go of their beliefs and the two tribes begin to clash over whose rights and beliefs shall dominate - dominate or status is another of natures survival tools of family and tribes. 

To fix this, we need to educate ourselves so we can reconnect back with our species nature, the nature of survival. We accept and understand who and what we are then we can work to avoid the most dangerous and deadly of violence while using the acceptable levels of violence to communicate with one anther in finding beneficial mutual ways to survive while allowing our tribes to exist. 

If we can learn from the militaries hierarchal breakdown that makes them survive over a long history then we can use the same models to create a social tribe of many tribes of many families that can survive over all the future. It takes work and it is not given freely or due to some slight or perceived wrong that occurred to others born long before us but to the hard work and dedicated efforts of the family, the social tribe and the social connectedness and cohesive make up of the larger social tribe of tribes. In this case our United States, United Communities, United Tribes and United Families!

Then again, why would an individual give up what they want to live in harmony with others; why would an individual give up their own gratification just so they can exist with others; why would an individual want to live in harmony when they can have everything without work, effort, or emotional costs?

Paying Taxes

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It has been said time and again, pay only those taxes you are required to pay. Even the IRS says you should only pay taxes you are legally obligated to pay and it is incumbent upon you to pay the least amount of taxes possible.

The IRS will also say that if you fail to pay those taxes required and they find out they will come at you with a vengeance.

The tax laws may have what is called loopholes but truthfully these "loopholes" are actually not loopholes but tax advantages one should use at least until the law changes removing the advantage(s).

Too many perceive the term loophole as morally wrong and even illegal when in truth and fact there is nothing wrong at all. If it is truly not right, for whatever reason, the IRS will change it. If they don't, then it is tantamount to approval.

In recent news certain agenda driven efforts has been to disparage people who are perceived, incorrectly, as not paying their taxes but truth be told all they have done is, "Research, analysis and synthesis; they discovered those advantages and ... wait for it ... took ADVANTAGE of those "Legal advantages."

It is not there fault because those very politicians and others screaming the loudest are the one's who wrote the laws and are also the folks who are taking the advantage of the tax advantages.

Yes, those advantages often are written in a way that allows higher income brackets to make use of them and to that I feel are not balanced equally to all tax payers and yay, most of that once again is about the same politicians who have an agenda that is not about equality because if that were true there would be a FLAT tax for everyone and every business.

Taxes fund the government; the government creates all the programs we have come to depend on in lieu of self-reliance; those programs are about business; business is about profit; profit inspires greed; the greedy businesses and greedy powerful people write the laws, ordnances and other profit generating benefits; those benefits are skewed to benefit those who can afford them and that, in a nutshell, is our way of life.

Humans can focus only on one type of information at a time and when the compliance influence manipulating professionals trigger human emotions we get caught up in a singular focus of anger and resentment we cannot see the truth, we cannot accept the truth and we always act on the singular emotionally reaction that those professionals want and triggered until it is too late.

Only when folks take control of the monkey brain, that emotionally driven and triggered part of the brain that sends us off into the emotionally changed and driven emotional side over the more logical side of our brains, the human brain. That human brain that allows us to see beyond the obstacles emotions set to keep us from realizing the reality of life. Once we take control then we have to allow ourselves to understand the true nature of humans, understand it so that we can use logic to make decisions, use it to educate ourselves, and use it to learn, understand and made reality based decisions to be more effective in seeing when nefarious compliance professionals are on a predatory hunt so we can avoid the attack and decide, for ourselves, what we should do, believe and act on.