Demolocke's Caveat

Caveat: Please make note that this article/post is my personal analysis of the subject and the information used was chosen or picked by me. It is not an analysis piece because it lacks complete and comprehensive research, it was not adequately and completely investigated and it is not balanced, i.e., it is my personal view without the views of others including subject experts, etc. Look at this as “Infotainment rather then expert research.” This is an opinion/editorial article/post meant to persuade the reader to think, decide and accept or reject my premise. It is an attempt to cause change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs and values as they apply in life. It is merely a commentary on the subject in the particular article presented.

This article is mine and mine alone. I the author of this article assure you, the reader, that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my meandering mind interprets a particular situation and/or concept. The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of other professionals or authors of source materials. It should be quite obvious that the sources I used herein have not approved, endorsed, embraced, friended, liked, tweeted or authorized this article. (Everything I think and write is true, within the limits of my knowledge and understanding. Oh, and just because I wrote it and just because it sounds reasonable and just because it makes sense, does not mean it is true.)

Finally, it is incumbent that the reader take any information they feel is relevant and useful and perform an in-depth analysis of it to work out its value to the reader. It is also stressed that the reader also present the information to qualified professionals/experts so that his or her expertise and experience can also analyze the information to validate and then synthesize said information into their ideas, theories or facts/information either as is or as synthesized into something new and creative.

Oh, it is pronounced "Dem-Locke."

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Cyborg Revolution

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Cyborgs are officially defined as, “A hypothetical person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements built into the body.” In our most modern of the technological revolution we are inadvertently creating another type of cyborg I define as, “A person whose physical abilities are extended beyond normal human limitations by mechanical elements ADDED ONTO the body.”

We as a species long before the agricultural, industrial and technological revolutions had all we needed to navigate, live in and survive the dangers of our world, the planet earth. Let me suggest an example that I read in some past research finding, i.e., the humans natural ability to navigate the world.

It suggested through a theory that was tested through research that humans naturally connected to the planets electrical grid that created the types of forces, such as negative and positive, etc., that actually allowed us to know instinctively where we were and what directions we would go such as north, south, east and west, etc., in traveling naturally without add on’s such as techno-revolutionary GPS and associated satellites. When returned to a more natural state of life in the proverbial wild our bodies and brains would kind of reconnect to nature and through that connection actually know where you are at any point in time and in any location. It was erie to hear the testimonials because it truly meant that we are, as a species, are losing out connection and touch with nature. 

Remember, in our brains, if we don’t use an ability that ability will atrophy and sooner rather than later simply stop functioning altogether. In a recent article I wrote about awareness and environment, a virtual kind, I suggested that to be aware of and conscious of our environments we had to change our perspective, a paradigm shift, toward that virtual world where our senses provided input data signals to our brains, etc. (You can read that article HERE). 

What I am suggesting is that we have fallen over the cliff of technology and have left ourselves vulnerable to all sorts of dangers that expose us to grave harm and death. We have and are adding on technology to further distance ourselves from our true natures as a species. We put on earbuds and add loud sounds like music to block out all the sounds of our environment, both positive and negative sounds. We focus our eyes on the small screens of those same devices that are pumping sounds into our ears further blocking out the sights found in our environment so we no longer see all around us for inherent dangers that may cause grave harm or death. 

We further exacerbate our exposure by using obstacles to block our natural need and critical socialization by using virtual social media so that we are no longer exposed to the closeness of others that are also a necessity of human survival by the creation of groups, etc. We are assuming that liking someone with a click of a mouse is the same as being exposed directly to a person so that our sense systems can detect, find and create close relationships that are further supported and validated by things like body language and emotionally mature interconnections that are impossible through media programs like Facebook. It feels like we are but is it actually creating those relationships so endearing and critical to our species survival? 

This cybernetic-techno-revolutinary path is actually creating a human existence with no real meaning or substance even if if feels like it is real. We all end up like the borg in Star Trek, all cybernetic-like entities pretty much oblivious to our surroundings with added on devices that distract, distance and socially condition us so that when external stimuli not of the techno-sources hits us we are surprised, unprepared and inexperienced resulting in a freeze response that cannot be broken so external dangers can harm us or kill us. Since that distance and obstacle includes the collective association of a group with appropriate group survival dynamics we lose that collective ability to survive in our world, we become targets of any and all predatory hunters and hunting. You can bet your bottom dollar that predators both human and technological-humans are gearing up to take advantage of such juicy opportunities that are becoming more obvious and more prominent in our world both physical and technological. 

Technology is and has been about supplementing our way of life, it is not meant to replace human needs and interactions, etc. As a tool it helps us to achieve our human goals but today’s add-on cybernetic-like devices is quickly dominating our very ability to act and survive in the world. WE should be in CONTROL of technology and technology should not be taking control of US. 

Think about it! It is closing in on us and only a matter of time before the added on tech is to be developed, changed and created to be added in or built in to our bodies. Can anyone say, Borg: “Resistance is Futile!”

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

The Electoral System

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

The New York Times stated, “Yes, Mr. Trump won under the rules, ‘the editorial said,’ but the rules should change so that a presidential election reflects the will of Americans and promotes a more participatory democracy." This is pretty darn immature of them and just goes to show, if true -  do a fact find on this one as it was published by “The Hill,” that they don’t really know and understand the constitution and its associated Federal Papers written by the authors of the constitution. Both popular votes and the electoral system, if not bastardized by the very people we choose to elect, are meant to balance it out. 

For instance, would you want to elect Justin Bieber if the majority of voters decided they wanted him and he got the majority vote? It is possible because if he ran and his fan base got all emotionally involved that could happen. Ridding ourselves of the system that has and does work is not a good answer but fixing the electoral system and putting it into a fair and equitable form for our modern times is a better option. 

This article, if true, is agenda driven and imposes cognizant dissonance on those who read it just by saying the New York Time says when in truth fact finding may show the NY Times never said that or said more and that part was redacted. 

Now, although the NYT said some of the above as I indicated they did say more, i.e., “There is an elegant solution: The Constitution establishes the existence of electors, but leaves it up to states to tell them how to vote. Eleven states and the District of Columbia, representing 165 electoral votes, have already passed legislation to have their electors vote for the winner of the national popular vote. The agreement, known as the National Popular Vote interstate compact, would take effect once states representing a majority of electoral votes, currently 270, signed on. This would ensure that the national popular-vote winner would become president.”

In short, in my perception, it is not about ridding us of the electoral system but changing it, as I said, into something that aligns a bit more with the popular vote while keeping the original spirit of the constitution so that if Justin were given the popular vote those electoral votes, by state, could then do their function to make sure Justin doesn’t reach the white house. I am sure withe the intelligence this country has we can come up with a solution like this or similar to fix a perceive issue of popular vs. electoral. I can’t help but think that there is still something missing in all this stuff. 

Truthfully, I don’t think we should put any type of labels on the votes such as, “The system as it now operates does a terrible job of representing the nation’s demographic and geographic diversity.” I don’t believe putting either or a demographic or geographic twist on the electoral vote to the states achieves a goal that allows us a better system, it just takes away one bad way and puts another potentially ‘discriminatory and detrimental’ way on the system. 

If we understood the populations in relation to the states, assigned electoral votes accordingly and then aligned the popular vote with that state by state electoral so all citizens are balanced with electoral votes then this campaign by state process disappears because any number of states accordingly would then provide the electoral votes, etc. (100 people in a state get 100 votes and say the electoral system gives one electoral vote per 100 voters then the state gets one electoral vote so if you get the majority of electoral votes then regardless of state but if the popular vote is 1,000 vs. 100 the popular vote gives the candidate 100 electoral votes to the opponents 1 electoral vote. 


Click for larger view!
And many wonder why I like, read and follow a cartoonist!!!
This is an historic moment meant to be preserved!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Medical Insurance Coverage

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In recent articles it has been said that even having insurance may not be enough because many full coverage insurance holders are seeing bills for Doctor’s services added on but no covered by your insurance. As the complexities rise on how and what and when we are covered, all driven by profit margins and legalese, etc., we as consumers and covered recipients must remember to remain vigilent and ask before receiving care.

We as people look to the medical industry as the authority on medical services and coverages but that is no longer true. I received two previous billings from my dental insurance saying additional charges not covered will require payment directly to the medical provider. In the past the same services have always been covered so I now have to take charge and ask my doctor why that bill is being sent and not covered. I ask because if they are raising their charges above and beyond coverage and IF the coverage has not changed by reductions in coverage then I have been subjected to costs while not being informed BEFORE HAND by either the insurance, if their coverage has changed, or the doctor, if they raise their charges above the coverage, who should let us all know.

Yes, they use the excuse that all insurances coverage shall be our responsibly but we all know that social conditioning and the medial industry has always taken charge, for their convenience, of charging insurances, etc. Personally, I appreciate it and look to it for that service but the recent charges from doctors in the plans adding in charges to make more money might seem ok but in truth to most who rely on insurances often don’t have or keep that kind of money available to pay out those charges. So, I have a recommendation:

Use the same process people use to have DNR’s, do not resuscitate orders, and always ask before accepting medical services, “Are any of these services you are providing today not covered by my insurance and are there any additional charges from doctors for services rendered that will not be covered by my insurance?” If yes, then express that you “Do or Do Not want or will accept services with additional charges at this time unless it is explained that refusal will result in life threatening dangers.” 

I really believe that both the person covered by the insurance, the medial facility providing services and the insurance providers should inform customers of such changes. As customers we have a personal obligation to make sure services are covered by asking or checking before services are provided and/or the medial provider should be able to tell us if any services are going to incur charges outside of coverage so the person can plan or refuse services. As to the insurance providers they do send out packages, huge convoluted data saturated packages, for our review on coverages and changes but hey, like the law, who can provide accurate and adequate answers before seeking services. 

It is a bit like the tax laws, no one person, even tax professionals and lawyers including the IRS itself, can keep track and properly explain how they work and what effects it will have on taxes and tax payers YET if something goes wrong, we the humans on the receiving end often in understandable ignorance, we the humans suffer the grave consequences. I feel it is about time those others out there like the medical providers and insurance providers work together to make sure we don’t incur unexpected and economically harmful charges like the add-on doctor fees from hospitals and ER’s and so on especially when you consider that often they are incurred during emergency provided services. 

Why Security is a Big Deal

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Yes, security is and always has been a big deal not just tech-wise but otherwise in all areas and facets of our economic and personal/social lives. I worked in the security industry for almost twenty-five years and retired as a GS-11 Security type in 1998 so I have some sense of the need and critical use of security necessity. 

The problem in security outside of industries and disciplines that take it seriously for both … wait for it … overall security needs but also to the ramifications not just monetary as to budget but to possible economic, security and survival reasons. This is also why folks who applaud persons like Snowden don’t realize or understand what it means when someone goes outside the security and classification arena to express their emotionally ignorant beliefs on what they release. 

Once again, private industries who gather our data and fail to apply good solid security to protect it has failed miserably, i.e., now Yahoo has not just once, but twice, failed its customers with horrible security. 

In the tech-revolution we have made our selves and conditioned our society to depend heavily on technology such as cloud services, data mining and data brokerage, etc., but in ignorance. 

Listen, in business one of the main departments that hardly ever show profit is the security side of the house as well as the administration side although this side has support services that can be seen readily as beneficial. Security tho, is often treated as the bastard child because it does not show profit and benefit … wait for it … until … security breaches rise up and slam them in the throat. So, often security is given lip service and most gamble that they will never have to lose money and profit if some security is breached.

Now, in our modern tech-revolution the fact that predatory actions happen in milliseconds because of the speed and wide coverage of data by the Internet and Iot or Internet of Things means that security breaches can happen instantly, surreptitiously and often undetected until some person/customer or other mindful person notices something hinky going on … usually months to years after the fact. This is just not good.

Then there is this, “Must be first” mentality found in the industry where software, apps and other bells and whistles have to be pushed quickly out into the wild to keep ahead of the competition and keep the board members fat, dump and happy with profits. This means something has to be set to the back burner so the product can be put out there fast and FIRST to gain advantage and edge against competitors. Security is often at the top of the list and properly mind-state QA testing especially in regard to security is second on that list. 

One huge reason this continues even in the face of the new money industry of data brokerage is there are no repercussions of note or significance to drive the business toward making and developing proactive security measures, postures and software. There is only one motivator of value to them, money! Hit them hard where they hold profit and make it significant enough they won’t just assign it as “part of business” so they are hurt and they suffer on the profit side when security is found - lacking and vulnerable. 

This brings up our current security posture in the tech area, we are much like the police in this country who are conditioned to react over being proactive in serving, protecting and to safety of our cities, counties and country. The minute you become reactive to any dangers or situations where grave harm can and does occur along with potential violence you are behind the curve. You have to be proactive and there is no reason why the industry cannot become proactive in security after all the “Dark Web” of nefarious evil-doers are proactive not just in their own security but in their methods of attack as well such as viruses and phishing efforts. 

No wonder Yahoo got whacked, they were complacent in their efforts to secure things properly and they got by for a lot of years but now that the predators of the dark web have such instant ways to garner resources and effect, if they wish, effect nefarious processes against anyone, anywhere and regardless of the physical securities out there such as police, neighborhood watches and home security systems (not going to start on this one since this product is now connected by the IoT, arghhh). 

It is time to require and enforce security measures at all levels of the technological industry and it is time to make the profits gained from such efforts as data mining to the data brokerages less profitable without adequate proactive security measures. 

Speak up to your representatives and let them know that you are tired and not going to put up with it anymore, you want adequate security measures at ever level of the industry possible from the IoT’s to your accounts and especially to your personal data. It is also time for us, the users, to take up our own personal responsibility in our own Tech-Sec (Technological Security) by learning about how security is breached and what personal actions we can take to support and reinforce our own security of data, etc. It is our responsibility as well as the industry, don’t buy or use any tech until you are assured of its security and remember, just like todays news media you have to fact-check, i.e., in other words seek out information as to the validity of such security measures such as reading KrebsonSecurity site. 

Read this: 14: Yahoo: One Billion More Accounts Hacked

The Movie Camera Twitch

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It's the camera action being used as if some untrained person with a cell phone is making, taking, a movie of something then putting that on the big screen - arrrrggggghhhhhhhhhhhh! Good example, the start of it all, the Blair Witch Project. They used it later on the second Jason Bourne film and on others as well but I have to ask myself, “WHYYYYYYYYY!’

For me, the movie camera twitch is irritating, obnoxious and just plain stupid is as stupid does. It’s a bit like they ran out of experienced camera crews and had to settle on Johnny Dipshit and his cell phone video camera. It is like, Amateur night at the movies. We, me and my age group, use to call such movies, “B Movies.” 

The lighting sucks, the people acting in most of them are also amateur’s and the overall film and story, could be really good, turn out due to the camera work, “Horrible.” 

I love seeing previews and I loved it when I was younger when going to the local Beach Street theater watching the upcoming features was just plain cool and fun. Now, thanks to technology and the Internet places like IMDB and iTunes previews you can get a head start on the next movie way before it is released - that’s good. It also provides you the opportunity to find out which are subjected to the horrors of bad camera work so you can, wait for it … … … avoid the stupid movie!

These movies are not main stream in my book, they are not even good enough to be “B” movies so they end up being, as I define them, “Y” movies meaning since the letter is way on the opposite end of the alphabet, i.e., main moves being “A” and “B”, that they are not even worth reviewing by the Rotten Tomato group.

I mean, just looking at the still on the below trailer is just stupid and a harbinger of bad movie camera stuff to come. Ugh!

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Denzel W. Talks "Too Much Information"

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It is about data brokerage and how that speaks to huge volumes of cash along with the speed at which, as Mr. Washington alludes too here, we all rush to get there first, to be first, to win the race and to stroke the ego, self-sooth and establish our status by any means necessary. Regardless of my thoughts, listen closely to this for it speaks volumes of truth:

The Flag: Final Word

The final word on the respect that should be expected of the display of our ragged old flag is best done by, believe it or not, Johnny Cash - enjoy, show respect for the symbol of our country and consider the state of your “Patriotism.”

Sky-net: A.I. is Assuming a Control Posture

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

In recent articles and by observation more and more things are being assumed by technology such as the recent article in the Wall Street Journal, i.e., Amazon Conducts First Commercial Drone Delivery. Lets add in another article about Uber going to San Fran to start using a driverless Uber vehicle to take passengers on. 

My question is simple, “What happens to the employee who drives the uber car and what happens to the delivery guy who delivers those Amazon packages?” Ever hear of logistics, there is a ton of logistics involved in replacing employees, contractors and temps with automated technology like all the tellers in my bank being replaced by more sophisticate teller machines. Hmmmmm!

I know that these companies will say that these lost jobs will be replaced by jobs created through the techno-replacement effort but really and I suspect that for every job assumed by technology that only one job per ten lost jobs will actually be a new job and that brings up a ton of other questions as to wage levels and so on. Is anyone out there even aware of and taking discovery actions and research on this new phase of the technology revolution?

Here is one for you, “If the population is increasing and the jobs shrinking or being sent elsewhere not in the US, where do those displaced people find new jobs and where do they find an income to survive?” Their use to be about five tellers in my bank, now there is one “Wall Mart Type Greeter” in the lobby and maybe one person on a desk, say what?

I use to like technology but in the last ten years, for me, it has become so convoluted and glutted in our society that humanity itself has been manipulated into the second seat letting such tech lead us instead of us controlling it, like shy-net in the terminator movies or the matrix in those movies.  

Here are the two articles that triggered my mindless meandering ways: 


Tuesday, December 13, 2016


Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

We are under a grave threat to our survival, we are being inundated with technology that comes so fast, so often and without regard that our minds are being overwhelmed by the deluge of technology. What the heck am I being so paranoid about, well the industry is using our natural compliance/influence principles to persuade us to follow along without regard or without validation as to whether we should or not go the techno-way. 

Again, what the heck am I talking about but the IoT, the Internet of Things where those many myriad things of technology are flooding our lives, our cars, our homes and our minds to the degree and speed we fall into the knee-jerk instincts to go with the herd, the crowd, i.e., the social proof influence principle. 

We are so caught up in the instant gratifications and obligations and likability and authority principles of influence that we have come to rely on, to need and to be now addicted to the very technology we once felt would assist us in life rather than “Run our Lives!”

Yes, it does, they run our lives because every time something new and shiny arrives on the technological scene we are influenced into believing we need it to do anything, to connect to everyone and to achieve success in life. Do we ask the question, “Do I really NEED this or is it the emotional species drive that says, “YOU NEED THIS!” Really, what and how did our species survive before the technology revolution; how about the industrial revolution; and how about the agricultural revolution? 

I have a cell phone and I use it do make calls, text my wife and to sometimes web search information that inspires me. When I thought it had died the other day I simply told my wife I would throw it away, properly for the environment you know, and remove the added account from our phone bill. 

Now that the technological industry has conditioned us to a form of consistency, to consistently seek out newer and more enjoyable features and devices, along with the effort to provide the impression that if we don’t get it we will lose out, scarcity-social proof-likability principles applied, we run down blindly and gladly to get the next and latest, right? 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

The Dangers of the IoT

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

It’s been out there for a while but, at least to my perception, until recently it has not gotten the press or attention it should have received. It just tells me, personally speaking, that almost every component, big or small, that relies on updates through the network via a back door by the manufacturer is vulnerable and usable by those nefarious predators out there hell bent on doing harm, they are either/or/and process and/or resource predators and they are a danger to all of us connected. 

Krebs on Security has provided, and suffered the slings and arrows because of the articles, another article that informs us once again to the dangers of the IoT, the Internet of Things. I suggest every person/reader/listener to contact their representatives to push for some form of effort to get those who make all those IoT’s to secure them by default and set up some secure method to use security to open/close when a need to patch or update. 

Here is KrebsonSecurity’s article, read IT HERE. And, so you may remain informed he also provides an initial list of who makes the IoT used for such nefarious attacks of predatory origins. 

Bibliography (Click the link)

“In order for any life to matter, we all have to matter.” - Marcus Luttrell, Navy Seal (ret)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Flag, AGAIN

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

Well, how we display the flag is provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs and their set of guidelines are governed by “Public Law 94-344, the Federal Flag Code.” It has rules, stressing they are rules and not law per se, for handling and displaying the flag. You should be able to find that public law on the Internet and the guidelines from the VA here:

Remember, as it should be according to the constitution, etc., there are States who have their own flag codes and MAY impose penalties. I hope that my assumption is true that those states abide by any rules, codes and laws from higher levels along with just and legal aspects in their own states. 

The guidelines, not law, provides how to carry the flig, how to display against a wall, how to group display several flags with the countries colors; when displayed other than from a staff, when projected form a building, and about how to display flags of state, cities and orgs from a staff, etc. 

The statements are also made as to how we should avoid displaying our flag, i.e., for instance they say in the guidelines, “The flag should never be draped or drawn back in folds. Draped red, white and blue bunting should be used for decoration, with the blue at the top and red at the bottom” AND as follows:

Out of respect for the U.S. flag, never:

  • dip it for any person or thing, even though state flags, regimental colors and other flags
  • may be dipped as a mark of honor.
  • display it with the union down, except as a signal of distress.
  • let the flag touch anything beneath it: ground, floor, water, merchandise.
  • carry it horizontally, but always aloft.
  • fasten or display it in a way that will permit it to be damaged or soiled.
  • place anything on the flag, including letters, insignia, or designs of any kind.
  • use it for holding anything.
  • use it as wearing apparel, bedding or drapery. It should not be used on a costume or
  • athletic uniform. However, a flag patch may be attached to the uniform of patriotic organizations, military personnel, police officers and firefighters.
  • use the flag for advertising or promotion purposes or print it on paper napkins, boxes or anything else intended for temporary use and discard.

There is more and you may find it interesting reading so use the above link to read the entire guideline. Now, it is time for personal opinions, mine.

If we respect our country in its entirety both historically and in the present then we shall take it upon ourselves to pay it the due respect it represents, not what we think, feel or assume but what it represents. No where does it recommend that we use the flag for any political or personal reasons unless we adhere to these guidelines. 

In protest, personally, there are other ways to use the flag appropriately to express our protests in the proper and legal ways. An example is if I truly felt some political aspect of our government were worth protesting then I would properly display the flag, if I felt it was necessary and effective in getting a protest point across, then express how those political governmental issues under protest were a form of disrespect to the flag and what it truly represents. I would not burn it or display it in any way that would violate those guidelines because of the respect I have for that flag and its symbolism, i.e., as stated in the guidelines “The language of the federal code makes clear that the flag is a living symbol.” Let me emphasize that in my book, it is a LIVING SYMBOL and that trumps whatever protest you may feel necessary to make changes to our way of life and so on. 

I personally agree with the judicial system that we have a unalienable right to protest and burn the flag but the real question is this, “Should we? Is it right, is it necessary and will it get the job done?” If it even angers a little bit we all should already know and understand that making folks angry changes nothing, it just triggers the emotional immaturity of the protestor and gains nothing - ever! In my view, I refuse to get angry when someone deliberately uses the flag for personal gain even if they label it as protest or some such. I feel sorry for those who do so because they are just too immature to realize they are failing at the very work the hope will create and inspire change. 

Just take a moment to understand human history where someone felt strongly about getting what they want under any number or reasons and justifications because those are some of the most violent and horrible times in human history and guess what? Those actions tho forced on people failed ultimately and more reasoned and just changes occurred anyway. Stick to the just and morally correct methods and forget such childish things!

Out of respect for our history and the living symbolism of our great flag don’t use it for an excuse to punish or become angered for that leads to actions also just as unjust and illogical and so on. Be mature, be an adult and keep the respect alive and remember that it has nothing to do with politics, or injustice or anything similar. If we lose sit of our living symbol then we are no better than those terrorists who use the great religious tomes of history to justify violence and death the use for their “PROTESTS.” What an easy slip that is to end up in the same place as those we detest. 

Remember, this is just my PERSONAL OPINION.

p.s. Here something to mull over, if we NEED "LAWS" to FORCE US to RESPECT our flag, etc.,  then there is something TERRIBLY WRONG in what we are teaching here, something TERRIBLY, TERRIBLY WRONG! Our respect, our beliefs and our culture should inspire us all to respect the living symbol we call the American Flag, long may it wave!!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

I Have the Right - Dammit!

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

How many times have we heard this meme, “I have the right …,” and fill in the ellipse with what ever statement you wish to make? I understand because at one point not all that long ago I would tell myself those same words until someone spread out the truth in front of me then hit me with a huge oak 2x4 so that I would actually see and believe. 

We, in this wonderful country of ours, have a lot of rights, rights that many in other countries would die for if they could get them for themselves. But, what are our rights in this country truly, factually and accurately? Not an easy question to answer and in truth there may be only a few who truly understand where our rights begin and where they end. I am not one of those few but I am trying to picture that truth in my head so explains all this typing. 

We all, the human species, tend to assume that we have certain rights and we assume that those rights are supported by the … wait for it, “The Bill of Rights,” but just how granular is that document and its meanings because there are those in academia and the legal professions who are still trying after years of studies and such to determine the true rights of our people.

Where I see a dangerous curves in this path is the written rule of law about citizen rights is they are so vague and open ended that each human being can come up with plausible explanations why something they want or need can be a unalienable right of theirs and I have wondered, is this true?

I am not a legal professional and I have read the Bill of Rights several times and all I can say is that I am not sure, not positive nor even confident that I can explain or decide what my rights are vs. what rights I should not assume are mine without question but I have some ideas on it, yep, you knew that this opinionated author would say that, right? 

I do have certain rights but they are not unlimited and they do dissipate and disappear according to certain criteria. First, there is the law, the laws that state that you can or cannot do certain things. Those laws take precedence in any and all rights you may or may not think or feel you have because once you open your front door, take a walk to the front gate of your yard and step out onto the Public Domain all that changes. Yes, if you wish to break the law in your own home by all means but beware that if it gets out into the public domain you are legally liable and all is right in the world. 

That nasty public domain is a real bitch, it is that common area of life that says regardless of your personal rights once you encounter others you have to make allowances so that both can life, breath and experience a certain level and type of freedom that does not infringe on one anothers … wait for it … rights. Isn’t this getting a bit confusing don’t you think and I am not even a professional academic on the subject or a legal professional - whoppeee!

Even in the public domain there are rules and laws, both written and not as well as those legal aspects meant to control and govern those who come together in the public domain with distinct, separate and important cultural beliefs and differences all within that social construct and membership collectives, i.e., various families of different race, creed, religious beliefs and socially created cultural systems, etc. Our countries bill of rights actually supports that various family like differences but not as if each were inviolate. 

Side Note: In human species we all need to collect together into tribe like groups for survival and in that instinctual driven DNA encoded way we need to collect together in such groups or tribes where we can hold on to those very cultural sudo-religious belief systems and hierarchies so that we can control, govern and survive better - it is nature’s way even in modern times. So, we tend to see even in major metropolises we see sections of that city divided as if by borders various cultures that came together for the comfort, safety and security of those we know and understand and believe in and with for - survival of all levels. It is when those borders get close and people travel across and through other neighborhoods be they actual in a city or perceived in various states or countries in and out of this one great country of ours. 

So, when our tribes need to connect and deal with other tribes we have to come to an understanding so that we don’t violate our inalienable rights, the ones that are not personal or of an emotional or of a religious nature, etc., so that we can communicate and exchange various needs and such in what we today call the Consumer Markets. 

Now, we have two public domains: First is the one we enter when we leave our homes and encounter others in our tribe. This requires rules, regulations and sometimes legal laws to govern and control. We may not like some but as a species we instinctually understand that if we don’t then there is chaos and we die. Second, is the one we enter as a tribe when one or more of us has to leave our “neighborhood, if you will” and enter into and encounter others of other tribes or neighborhoods. 

If we assume that our rights and beliefs are sacrosanct and the only “ONE TRUE BELIEF and RIGHT” we run into trouble because to exist and coexist we need to rein in ours enough to allow others the chance and opportunity to exist for a mutual benefit and that is a good thing. We then remember that once our encounter is successfully concluded we all return to our neighborhoods and homes to our cultural beliefs and lives knowing we all can exist as a species with regard to our individual tribal/neighbor respect, etc.

This is why I feel the Bill of Rights and our Rights are more fluid so that we can changes and adjust to “get along” for the common good of survival. So, when I think of “My Right to do this or that” I also have to consider how that right will effect those others that will be effected directly or indirectly when out of my home and neighborhood/tribe. 

For instance, the notice I received from my place of employment provided, I read the following, i.e., “On <a certain day of the week>, <on a date not specified for this article in 2016 at approximately 3:17 AM POLICE received a report of a sexual assault which had occurred at approximately 1:30 AM in an <location around here>.  The victim, a male person, met the suspect on the internet.  The victim and suspect met in the victim’s room of the <location> where the sexual assault occurred.”

First thing, yes both parties were exercising their rights as they understood them but some glaring things told me that if they had truly understood and took actions to avoid this event would possibly never happened. Yes, the person attacked has the right to meet with people regardless and yes, the person attached has the right to NOT be assaulted and Yes, the person attacked has the right to not be lied to or victimize or any other factor this involves both apparent and not. But, is that actually his or her right? I think so but then I tend to put in some common sense that in our world we are constantly exposed to danger and dangerous situations and we shall take it upon ourselves to gain the knowledge, come to understand that knowledge and then learn by experience how to use that knowledge toward - wait for it - SURVIVAL.

I would first make sure I understood the dangers and pitfalls of the Internet. It is apparent that the Internet is the Wild Wild World (West if you will) and that any protections out there are reactive, not proactive, and come after an incident so it makes it imperative that we, the individual, lean about that and take precautions to avoid being preyed upon. 

Never, ever, agree to meet anyone strange to you in such a secluded area because the worst and most grievously dangerous predators will work hard to get you to a secondary location, i.e., a secluded and private space where help is impossible and that means your home when alone as well. Secondary locations are those where the worst can happen such as torture with imminent death to follow with rare cases where the gravest of bodily harm are done.

If you meet someone on-line agree to meet in a very public place and make sure you bring a few friends along. Let the new person know that those two conditions are required and not open for debate for it is your health, well-being and life as stake regardless of what you THINK your rights are. 

So, “I have the right …” is great for discussions and conversations as well as presentations. But, those rights are not inviolate in that in regard to your right to your safety, security and health, which are inviolate, with conditions and considerations on how you exercise those rights, and this is where you have to tell yourself something. “Hey, I want to meet someone new. I found a possible connection at my favorite dating site on line. Hmmm, I have a group gathering at the local coffee shop around noonish next Wednesday so I will invite my new found possible friend to join us to get acquainted and see what happens.” 

That is being smart and you are not giving up what you perceive as your rights but simply adjusting the outcome of staying true to your rights so you can exercise them safely, securely and to your survival. 

I now have a suggestion that will help you verity and validate your rights. Get a book of the Bill of Rights, a copy for the country as well as any rights document that the State, City and County in which you live may or may not have. Get on line and find a site of laws, etc., for the country and your local area that you can search easily. Now, read the rights at least three times; first, a run through then; second, with a highlighter; and third, by writing by hand those highlights on to paper in long hand. Now, do a search to see what you feel are your rights to see if it triggers a feedback from the various sites mentioned. After a while you are going to find out that many of the things you THOUGHT were your rights were not but rather your wishes for the Utopia you wish our world existed in but doesn’t. 

There is NO PERFECT world. We can and have come close at times throughout human history but because we are human will never achieve totally and completely. It is the human nature and condition that makes us unable to achieve what we each perceive as a Utopia, a perfect world. They make great Sci-Fi movies and dramas and mysteries out of such things but truth be told, it ain’t possible. 

If we just come to realize that the world is still a very dangerous place with predators and sheep and then take the appropriate steps to learn, understand and live with those rules and requirements to avoid, deescalate and self-fense we can come very, very close to our Utopia. 

Note: There is a marked difference in our rights vs. our responsibilities as citizens of this great nation. 

NoteII: According to a source, the INS site, we as citizens have both rights and responsibilities and they say our citizenship is about shared values of freedom, liberty, and equality. As citizens we hold and expect that we have many benefits and equally important responsibilities where our core value is to hold and apply our individual commitment to our country and our form of government. The following are several rights and responsibilities LEGALLY required of every citizen:

  • Freedom to express yourself.
  • Freedom to worship as you wish.
  • Right to a prompt, fair trial by jury.
  • Right to vote in elections for public officials.
  • Right to apply for federal employment requiring U.S. citizenship.
  • Right to run for elected office.
  • Freedom to pursue “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
  • Support and defend the Constitution.
  • Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.
  • Participate in the democratic process.
  • Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.
  • Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.
  • Participate in your local community.
  • Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.
  • Serve on a jury when called upon.
  • Defend the country if the need should arise.
Don’t assume because making assumptions on such important rights and responsibilities leads to chaos where you can get hurt or die. Take a moment to read through them a few times then you begin to connect those rights/responsibilities to some of what I profess in the pervious paragraphs. One I hit on with my analogy of the house, yard, gate and public domain is, “Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.” 

As to the rights provided in such a terse way the full understanding can only come if you read the associated documents such as the Federal Papers as they relate to the constitution document where your right to “Express Yourself” is not inviolate but riddled with recommendations, conditions, social requirements and conditions not to forget the laws, etc. 

I could express my inner desire to do harm to a person but do I have the right to make that expression directly to that person? I use my own inner voice to ask myself, “Is it true the statement I make; is it necessary to make that statement; and is it kind to make the statement to this person?” Now, a caveat, it is not about how I feel and answer the questions but how I have the ability to empathize how the other person will feel about answering those questions. 

Ask also, do I have an inviolate right to pursue life, liberty and (this one is critical in this story) THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS? I perceive that many conflicts and resulting levels of violence come from one’s belief of when, where and how they pursue happiness but remember that it also involves a respect for the rights, beliefs and opinions of others. 

This is so complex and important and critical to how we live our lives it often leads to things like conflict, violence and socially driven war among ourselves as well as with others not of our clan, so to speak. 

When you begin to say to yourself or out loud to others (like the police too), “I have my rights!” then begin to express how they have violated those perceived rights may lead to trouble, sometimes very bad trouble. It has been my experience and understanding many of both legal and health like troubles stem from our rights and our belief in those inviolate rights. 

Oh, and the Bill of Rights in a lot of cases is free, free to download and free to download and read via your favorite eReader too! Everything is open to interpretations and everyone’s interpretations are going to differ according to life, culture and beliefs so step lively and don’t assume you have the right to … ???

p.s. Here is one for you, at one time a culture believed wholeheartedly that the husband could beat or kill his wife with impunity. Now, according to your beliefs and rights as either a husband or wife, how would you feel about this one? 

Notes on Graphic:
  • Yes, you have the RIGHT to vote; it is a responsibility that should be taken seriously; but you also have the right to NOT vote as well.
  • Yes, you have the RIGHT to hold elected office as long as you meet the laws and requirements set forth by law, etc.
  • Yes, you have the RIGHT to practice your own religion and you have the responsibility to do so without violating the RIGHTS of others.
  • Yes, you have the RIGHT to a fair trial but remember the trial and its officers are human and bound by laws as well as how the legal system truly runs in reality.
  • Yes, you have the RIGHT to say what you think in speech or writing as long as you don't violate the RIGHTS of others as well as violate the Rules, Laws and other legally socially binding requirements, etc. 

You see, we all have RIGHTS and we also all have DUTIES and RESPONSIBILITIES that may effect how we perceive, distinguish and apply our RIGHTS, so - BEWARE YOUR RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES. 

I reserver the right to be RIGHT as wells as BEING WRONG, ergo why I wrote my caveat at the start of all this :-)

Monday, November 21, 2016

National Social Dependency

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

We all need to be very careful in these changing times because there is great possible change waiting just around the corner.

In this new and a bit scary political climate many things are possible including a mind-set of changing responsibility from big government back to where it belongs, to US the people and US in each state.

I implore, beg, the new powers to be to remember and consider that the current state of dependency of the states and the people on government is tantamount to an addiction that cannot just be suddenly and irrevocably tuned off - Cold Turkey.

This generation has been "Socially Conditioned" by government to depend on it for its safety, security and survival. This generation has not been provided the very Tools necessary to these changes.

It would be prudent to take the time to transition from our current state to a new improved state so that the next two, possibly three, generations are conditioned to first depend on themselves and then to the state for those things inappropriate to the individual.

Let big government also gradually transcend to small government as it was meant to be by our founding fathers. If we rush it, we will actually contribute not to the future and success but to failure to those who were conditioned for dependency, to their children who will suffer most if parents are forced cold turkey, to the states as the burden of assuming the vastness of big government and the overwhelming costs and to society itself would destroy the very fabric of US and the way of life that gave us this great country. The shock alone would devastate and destabilize our society so take care, be cautious and allow change to come slowly, cautiously and responsibly. 

It is easy when you are in a position of security to say something needs to be done and then do it quickly and expeditiously but consider if you were at the same spot and level of security as those affected, would you rush the job. Our tech-evolutionary state today is overwhelmed by such speed that it is overwhelming out minds and bodies and we don’t even realize it.