Demolocke's Caveat

Caveat: Please make note that this article/post is my personal analysis of the subject and the information used was chosen or picked by me. It is not an analysis piece because it lacks complete and comprehensive research, it was not adequately and completely investigated and it is not balanced, i.e., it is my personal view without the views of others including subject experts, etc. Look at this as “Infotainment rather then expert research.” This is an opinion/editorial article/post meant to persuade the reader to think, decide and accept or reject my premise. It is an attempt to cause change or reinforce attitudes, beliefs and values as they apply in life. It is merely a commentary on the subject in the particular article presented.

This article is mine and mine alone. I the author of this article assure you, the reader, that any of the opinions expressed here are my own and are a result of the way in which my meandering mind interprets a particular situation and/or concept. The views expressed here are solely those of the author in his private capacity and do not in any way represent the views of other professionals or authors of source materials. It should be quite obvious that the sources I used herein have not approved, endorsed, embraced, friended, liked, tweeted or authorized this article. (Everything I think and write is true, within the limits of my knowledge and understanding. Oh, and just because I wrote it and just because it sounds reasonable and just because it makes sense, does not mean it is true.)

Finally, it is incumbent that the reader take any information they feel is relevant and useful and perform an in-depth analysis of it to work out its value to the reader. It is also stressed that the reader also present the information to qualified professionals/experts so that his or her expertise and experience can also analyze the information to validate and then synthesize said information into their ideas, theories or facts/information either as is or as synthesized into something new and creative.

Oh, it is pronounced "Dem-Locke."

Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Zombie Apocalypse

Demolocke’s Agenda Article/Post Caveat (Read First Please: Click the Link)

The apocalypse is upon us and it is one devious creature because it is undetectable and does not require one's actual death with all the proverbial rotting, etc., seen in the movies for it is sneakier, silent in its infection and most deadly in its final stages.

We tend to automatically go to thought of zombie’s frankenstein walking around in a daze like manner waiting to encounter some living being so they can eat their flesh but in the actual “Real” zombie apocalypse we with great motivation and glee run into the very dangers we should fear resulting in our zombie frankenstein-like walking, i.e., we walk in a zombie state with our eyes and minds focused on a tiny screen while our ears are distracted from the sounds provided through “Buds” stuck in our ears with narry a concern or worry on our faces unless the battery to our device suddenly dies - oh my, I have to focus on finding a electrical outlet to charge up.

Modern Tech-Zombie Traits are, “Distractions; overloading on technology, i.e., information, social media, twitter, etc,; being rushed; being preoccupied being distracted, etc.” For instance, when we are rushed (like the quantity of information being perceived like facing a tsunami wave, etc), we no longer have any time at all to take into account all the factors at play necessary to make decisions so we end up using our five compliance triggers influenced by that same deluge of information to make decisions. This leads to our zombie like actions much like the media entertainment industries zombie’s. 

We tend to block out all extraneous stimuli that hits our sensory systems, i.e., sights, sounds, tactile skin input and such, so that we no longer have sufficient time to analyze all points of communications, i.e., why we lean toward our emotionally driven responses,  so that we end up responding to the rapid-fire messages inundating every facet of our lives and we embrace it because it relieves us of the burden of thinking for ourselves - zombie frankenstein …

It’s becoming a mindless programming of our brains that will result in a total and complete loss of our freedom to think, analyze, decide and synthesize life. We mindless follow the both beneficial and more predatory influences of those compliance professionals that imbed their messages into the very data flow that overwhelms or human sensory systems and brains. 

I quote, “The sheer amount of information today is overwhelming - its complexity is befuddling, its relentlessness depleting, its range distracting, and its prospects agitations (and we feel it but have no idea why we feel it). Couple those culprits with the concentration-disrupting alerts of devices nearly everyone carries to deliver that input, and careful assessment’s role is a ready decision-making corrective becomes sorely and dangerously diminished.”

Here is another quote example related to current events, i.e., “We are unable to respond mindfully to news clips of a politician’s speech, instead, we are left to a focus on those implanted secondary features of the presentations, such as the attractiveness of the speech giver or his or her charisma.” 

All this simply overwhelms us to the point we automatically trigger social conditioned tapes that take over the responsibilities of making informed analytical steps to discover and synthesize our own individual thoughts so that we made decisions for ourselves, by ourselves and with our in-depth analysis but instead we allow, for convenience and comfort and gratifications, those compliance professionals to create external influences that trigger tapes so we just act accordingly, like the zombie frankenstein-walking mindless shuffling along that can be seen when we plug in the ear buds, focus our attention of the virus-line instructions that pump us full of stuff so we cannot mindfully act as humans should. We give up our freedoms to think and decide for ourselves and become Zombie’s. It is truly the tech-driven virus like zombie apocalypse!

Let me end this article with this last quote, “If we don’t have the wherewithal (time, capacity (zombie infection), will (zombie infection)) to think hard about a choice, we are unlikely to deliberate deeply. When any of these requirements isn’t met, we typically resort to instinctual social conditioned triggers of decision-making shortcuts.” 

It should be noted that in many situations of our lives these shortcuts allow us to choose rapidly and effectively, But in many other situations (created and consuming our lives through compliance predatory actions in the data we are inundated with), they can send us to places we didn’t want to go - at least not if we had thought about it first.

Note: Emotional triggers such as person of likable nature, enthusiastic groups, reciprocal influences of social conditions, the authority principles, and the human need for consistency, etc. All beneficial in the proper use but also predatory in nature by use of compliance professionals of questionable character. 

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